All items sorted into categories
(like with like) and stored together
Unused, useable items donated to charity
Items broken or in need of repair,
recycled or put into trash
All items sorted into 3 Categories
Keep • Donate • Recycle/Trash
Keep items sorted into
Categories (like with like)
Keep items placed in appropriate “homes”
(where they are used)
All items sorted into Categories
Keep • Recycle • Trash
All papers sorted into Categories
Keep • Recycle • Shred
Filing System created for keep papers
and filed alphabetically
Excess furniture removed
for better flow and productivity
All items removed from closet
All items sorted into Categories
Keep • Donate • Recycle/Trash
Keep items sorted into like categories
and stored in labeled bins
Frequently used item placed in front of closet
All items removed from drawer
Not working, broken or unused items recycled/trash
Like items grouped together
Drawer organizer used to contain items
All items sorted into categories
Keep • Donate • Recycle/Trash
Items to be kept in Mudroom sorted
(like with like) and placed in cabinets
Items used daily/ frequently are kept on counter
Items not belonging in Mudroom,
placed in appropriate “homes”
Scotts Valley Santa Cruz
Pebble Beach
Design by Kiel Kreatives